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Two partners elected to epi committees

Julien Thon and Gwennhaël Le Roy have just been elected to committees of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi) :

Julien Thon has been re-elected for a 2nd term as a full member of the European Patent Practice Committee (EPPC).
This Committee shall include one full member, for each member state. The European Patent Practice Committee (EPPC) considers and discusses all questions pertaining to, or connected with, practice under the European Patent Convention (EPC) and the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) including any revision thereof. The EPPC drafts epi position papers for ratification by Council and then submits them to relevant bodies.

Gwennhaël Le Roy has been elected as a substitute member of the Litigation Committee (LitCom).
This Committee shall consist of a maximum of one full member and one substitute member for each contracting state. The Litigation Committee (LitCom) considers and discusses all aspects of patent litigation in Europe, in particular on infringement and validity of European Patents and matters such as Client-Patent-Attorney-Privilege for and Representation in Court by European Patent Attorneys. The Litigation Committee plays an active role in monitoring, discussing and preparing epi positions on matters concerning the Unitary Patent (UP)/Unified Patent Court (UPC) system including the requirements for European Patent Attorneys to acquire the necessary qualifications to play an active role in the UP/UPC system.

The epi is the professional body representing all European Patent Attorneys and as an organization deals primarily with the development and implications of patent law. Through its Committees, the epi is at the forefront of patent law developments and regularly serves public policy leaders by issuing legal opinions and highly specialized advice.