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June 2024 - IAM 1000

IAM once again ranks CASALONGA among the top patent firms, both for litigation and prosecution:“’The excellent and very professional’ CASALONGA provides patrons with an A-to-Z IP service. Its mixed team of experienced patent attorneys and attorneys at law closely collaborate to provide holistic advice and efficient solutions to complex patent problems.

12 partners of the firm are recognized as leading patent professionals: 12 associés du cabinet sont en outre reconnus comme des acteurs majeurs du droit des brevets : Virginie Martin-Charbonneau, Marianne Gabriel, Ghislain de Trémiolles, Arnaud Casalonga, Caroline Casalonga, Francis Zapalowicz, Olivier Delprat, Jean-Baptiste Lecœur, Julien Thon, Floriane Codevelle, Gwennhaël Le Roy, and Gérard Dossmann.

Virginie Martin-Charbonneau is also recommended in the EPO ranking.

Congratulations to our teams for this achievement and thank you to our clients for their trust and confidence.

Find the complete analysis of our firm here